The management team here at IRP Meat & Seafood Co. is committed to providing a safe and wholesome product to customers. Workmanship and product integrity are the hallmarks of our bussiness. We are ethically bound to the consumer to supply safe goods at the highest possible quality standard we are able to provide.
In keeping with that commitment, we require all of our suppliers and vendors to comply with all regulating bodies, follow strict GMPs, and have a HACCP Plan in place at their facilities.
IRP Meat & Seafood Co. (Est. 8507/P-8507) operates under a fully implemented HACCP Plan which is in compliance with 9 CFR Chapter III, part 417 of USDA regulations. This HACCP Plan includes many prerequisite programs to control foreign materials, cross contamination, food defense, pest management, and the recieving and storage of all goods.
Our team members are routinely trained in the high standards of production and workmanship we require.